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Scott Handley, Ph.D.

Associate Professor. 

Department of Pathology and Immunology. 

Washington University School of Medicine



Dr. Handley is an Associate Professor in Pathology and Immunology at Washington University School of Medicine. For the past 15 years, he has been involved in projects devoted to the understanding of how microbial communities and invasive pathogens impact human health. His overall research goal is to better classify and test how alterations in microbial community membership and function contribute to disease. To do this, his laboratory utilizes high-throughput sequencing technologies, computational tools, and ecological theory. Using this approach his laboratory has identified alterations in the enteric virome in people with either AIDS or inflammatory bowel diseases. In addition, his laboratory has lead efforts exploring how enteric microbial communities influence viral pathogenesis (i.e. flaviviruses) and vaccine responses (HIV and rotavirus). Dr. Handley’s presentation will focus on methods and challenges of analysis of complex microbial communities in the context of both health and disease.

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